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Depner Financial Services

Company Information


Depner Financial Services was established in 2009 by Steve Depner, founder and president. For more about Steve, visit the qualifications page.


Depner Financial Services provides financial consulting to individuals, and financial and business consulting to small independent businesses. We operate primarily in the greater Spokane area.


We're committed to the success of our clients - individuals and small independent businesses. Sometimes they're called "independents", or "the little guys". Regardless of what you call them, independents are essential to every local community and when they succeed the community thrives.

As we conduct our business, we continually strive to follow these basic principles:
  1. Be honest.
  2. Treat others with dignity and respect.
  3. Do your best.
Following these principles requires a sustained effort to be transparent, to avoid conflicts of interest, and to continually improve. When we follow these principles our clients reap the rewards of our efforts and so do we. We feel confident that our work helps make our community healthy and the world a better place.